The SITAR project ⇒ Supporting the construction Industry in Transitioning towards climate-friendly practises in the Alpine Region.
To this end, the possibilities offered by modern technologies and progressive approaches for the planning, construction, renovation and upgrading of buildings from an ecological perspective are analyzed.
In addition, SITAR evaluates the existence of barriers (legal, practical, economic, etc.) that prevent or slow down such a transition and develops modern solutions to overcome them.
Project duration
02.2024 – 07.2026
Total budget
€ 1 195 529.00
EU partial financing
€ 874 657.20
CALL FOR TENDER: Interreg VI-A Italy-Austria – Call 2023
PRIORITY AXIS: 1 – Innovation and business
POLICY OBJECTIVE: 1 – A more competitive and smarter Europe by promoting innovative and smart economic transformation and regional ICT connectivity
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: RSO1.1 – Development and expansion of research and innovation capacities and the introduction of advanced technologies
TYPE OF ACTION: 3 – Development, adoption and transfer of technologies, know-how and best practices
PRIORITY INTERVENTION AREA: 4 – New and sustainable technologies
PROJECT TITLE: Supporting the construction industry in the transition to climate-friendly construction practices in the Alpine region
FINANCING: The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Interreg VI – Italy – Austria 2021-2027.
If you have any questions about the project, please contact the project manager Tamás Mészöly is at your disposal at any time: +43(0)590500-5135;
You can find a summary of the project details here: Project data sheet English or Project data sheet German/Italian