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Health for All

Strengthening cross-boarder cooperation and developing new solutions to ensure that all people have full access to health literacy and health services

The goal of the project is to develop and on a pilot basis test stationary and mobile health combetence centers (and mobile health care centers) in Austria and Slovenia.

Project duration: 09/2023-08/2026

Funding: Interreg V-A Slowenien Österreich & Kärntner Wirtschaftsförderungs Fonds

Scope of funding: 921.728 €

Projektpartner*innen: Magistrat Graz – Gesundheitsamt, Center za zdravje in razvoj Murska Sobota, Zdravstveni dom Murska Sobota, FH Kärnten Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH

Associated project partners: None

In the Health for All project (09/2023-08/2026), stationary and mobile health competence centers (and mobile health care centers) are being developed and tested on a pilot basis in Austria and Slovenia. These offer a comprehensive health promotion program and are intended to enable disadvantaged members of the population (e.g. economically disadvantaged groups, people with a migration background, etc.) to access health services and improve their health literacy. To achieve this, so-called “Health Guides” and “Health Interpreters” are being trained to support disadvantaged groups in accessing healthcare services.

In order to be able to offer targeted measures and reach people in the best possible way, potential difficulties and obstacles in gaining access to the healthcare system for different disadvantaged groups and for two-way bilateral access (Austria-Slovenia) to the healthcare system are analyzed. In addition, the opportunities offered by digitalization to support the health of vulnerable target groups are being investigated and their use tested as part of a pilot study. The implementation of measures to promote health and strengthen health literacy is evaluated on an ongoing basis.

Health for All is co-financed by the Interreg V-A Slovenia-Austria cooperation program from the European Regional Development Fund as well as the Carinthian Economic Promotion Fund (KWF).