Vocational education and training institutions need to modernize to be in line with technological progress and new ICT. Contemporary high school education system requires development of student’s skills and qualifications for the use of modern technologies during and after completion of education. Also, traditional teaching and improperly equipped school laboratories do not meet the needs of the increasingly demanding labor market.In Croatia, according to the “Program of development of VET system 2016-2020, one of the priorities in VET is improvement of the relevance of VET in relevance to the labor market, through modernization and development of new approaches and methodologies, because most of curriculums and programs are irrelevant and outdated. Given that school curricula do not meet the needs of the labor market, and that a large number of young people after completing high school face unemployment and difficult employability, the goal of the Region of Istria in this project is to develop innovative processes and increase the quality of education in vocational education, especially in technical areas. Croatian Employment Service based on data from the labor market in July 2016, established as a shortage of higher education programs in the following technical sciences: electrical engineering, computing and engineering (information: Therefore, we should make efforts to appeal these occupations even before the secondary school through the modernization of the curriculum and the use of the most modern technology, which will help young people to more easily find a job or further education in colleges.In the document “Vocational education and training for better skills, growth and jobs” (2012), EC stated that focusing on VET excellence by the National, Local and Regional Authorities will directly contribute to the Europe 2020 strategy. VET providers, employers from economy and industry, National, Local and Regional authorities and employment offices together will contribute to establishment of system that will respond to the labor market needs. In addition, cooperation on European level between regions with different backgrounds and experiences in VET, will significantly contribute to the improvement of VET systems through exchange of practice and selection of models that have proven successful in implementation. This project should be carried out transnationally because it will compare the practices of vocational education in four countries (Croatia, Poland, Lithuania and Austria) and, working together, project partnership composed of regional governments, vocational schools and research centers, will find the best model of use of modern 3D technologies in in VET, which will be usable after the project in vocational institutions in mentioned countries.
TARGET GROUPS are students, school teachers and regional authorities in 4 regions.
STUDENTS need to gain skills and qualifications, which will make them employable right after they finish high school education. To be able to learn about 3D technologies before they finish the school, the school practicums have to be well equipped for them to learn to use modern technologies and to be able to apply them in real working situations. Through the exchange during mobilities, students will gain international experience working with their peers from other partner countries.
TEACHERS have to be up-to-date with new technologies and well prepared to transfer knowledge to their students, which implies constant education about the technological progress, and about methodologies and tools which are used in contemporary enterprises and industries.
REGIONAL AUTHORITIES participating in this project have different background and experience in VET so the purpose of this project is to compare the practices of the use of modern technologies in VET and to encourage the Regional authorities to be more active in the modernization of VET, basing on the examples of good practice.
The project will also encourage regions and schools to further build their capacities in cooperation on common objectives.
Duration: September/2017 – August/2020
Project management: Robert Hauser
Project team members: Javad Zarbakhsh, Reinhard Tober, Pia Zupan-Angerer, Marius Laux
Research focus: Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
Study program: Light Weight Engineering
Research Program: Erasmus+: KA2 CIEGP, Strategic Partnerships
Funding institution/client: Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes