The RheinMain University of Applied Sciences invited to the second International Workshop on Entrepreneurship in Electronic and Mobile Business (IWEMB) on 24 and 25 September 2018 in Wiesbaden. The DTMo research group was represented by a paper presentation by Selvana Disho.
IWEMB is an initiative of the International College of the National Institute of Delevopment and Administration (ICO NIDA) in Bangkok, Thailand and the Center of Advanced E-Business Studies (CAEBUS) of the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences. This year’s workshop brought together participants from Thailand, Norway, China, Tanzania, Austria and Germany to exchange views on the future topic of electronic and mobile business in lectures and panel discussions. The Digital Transformation Modelling (DTMo) research group was represented by research associate Selvana Disho and presented the paper “Digital Transformation and Leadership – Modeling to reduce complexity”, which was prepared with research group leader Wolfgang Eixelsberger.
The paper addresses the increasing complexity of digital transformation and presents modeling as a solution approach for complexity management and decision support for management.
Further information about the workshop and the presented papers can be found at the URL