Application-specific AM technology: Interreg network for education and rapid prototyping

Common challenge: The two high-tech locations of the Ljubljana Region and the Villach Technology Park both strive for visibility on a supra-regional and European level. Due to the geographical proximity, cooperation between the two regions would be of great advantage in order to increase the number of players (reaching critical mass). There is an opportunity in the area of AM (Additive Manufacturing) technology.
The overall project objective is to strengthen cross-border competition, research and innovation by establishing a joint AM technology platform.
Change: In the ASAM project, the cooperation of both regions in the priority area “Additive Manufacturing AM” is raised to a professional level and a joint cross-border AM platform is established. The medium-term objective is to develop the macro-region (Slovenia, Austria, Northern Italy, Croatia) into a European leader region for AM technologies.
Main outputs: (1) Knowledge database (a) to present the competences in the project consortium (b) for possible cooperation partners in the macroregion (2) Infrastructure in the form of three real labs and a virtual FabLab (3) Joint business model to ensure sustainability.
SMEs, professionals, students, researchers, the general public and the project consortium will benefit.
Planned approach: In the project, novelty is created by (1) building a common understanding of each other’s opportunities and strengths (2) building infrastructure through a virtual cross-border and real labs (3) building a common business model and service processes.
Program: SI-AT Interreg
Link: https://asam-projekt.eu/
Project duration: 01.01.2020 – 31.12.2021
Project budget: 499.704,60 EUR
Project partner:
- Center odličnosti NAMASTE, zavod za raziskave in razvoj naprednih nekovinskih materialov s tehnologijami prihodnosti (Lead Partner)
- KEKO – OPREMA družba za proizvodnjo in razvoj sklopov in opreme za standardno in namensko uporabo, d.o.o.
- Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
- Fachhochschule Kärnten – gemeinnützige Privatstiftung