Quelle: Pixabay CC-Lizenz

Migration Impact Assessment to enhance Integration and Local Development in European Mountain and Rural Regions

The EU-funded MATILDE project is based on the hypothesis that non-EU immigrants can contribute to the economic and social development of rural and mountain areas across Europe. Besides, the spatial distribution of Third Country Nationals (TCNs) impacts on the relations between urban areas and rural/mountain zones: it can thus support territorial cohesion and more balanced development across Europe. The project will estimate the dimensions of the economic and social impacts of TCNs in 10 European countries, at national, regional and local levels.

Through 13 local case studies conducted with action-research methods, MATILDE will examine the local impact of migrations in diverse rural and mountain regions. The project intends to engage local stakeholders and policymakers to achieve a better understanding of the impacts of migration; to elaborate proposals concerning the redistribution of resources in the EU rural and mountain areas; as well as to formulate recommendations concerning the governance of migration.

EU-Horizon2020 Project
MATILDE – Migration Impact Assessment to Enhance Integration and Local Development In European Rural And Mountain Areas
has started!

Links to other websites

>>  Meet MATILDE on Twitter
>>  EU-Horizon2020
>>  Kleine Zeitung Artikel: Forschung aus Kärnten FH Migration als Chance für Berg und Tal
>>  Der Standard: Wie ländliche Gebiete von Migration profitieren

Projektleitung Fachhochschule Kärnten

Mag.a (FH) Marika Gruber

Senior Researcher

+43 (0)5 90500-2439