The dHealth (former: eHealth20XX) conference series has been organized by the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and the Austrian Working Group of Health Informatics and eHealth since 2007 with different partner institutions involved (UMIT until 2016, HIMSS Europe in the eHealth Summits 2013 to 2017 ). Each year, this event attracts 300+ participants from academia, industry, government and health care organizations. With its motto, “Health Informatics meets Digital Health”, the event provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, decision makers and vendors to discuss innovative health informatics and dHealth solutions so as to improve the quality and efficiency of health care. It is the USP of this event that Research and Application meet as equals and provide new insights from both the scientific as well as the practical point of view.
Background of this year's dHealth
Aside from the dramatic effects that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the lives of people everywhere, it has also triggered and accelerated some important process changes in healthcare. Digital health has become ever more important, supporting test strategies and contact tracing, statistical analysis, prognostic modeling, and vaccination roll-out and documentation. Video calls have become more common, and it seems likely that all these changes will continue to influence healthcare in the longer-term.
The Ebook is now available online (open access). The proceedings provide an insight into research on digital health as conducted during the COVID-19 crisis, including articles concerning the management of infectious diseases, telehealth services, standardization and interoperability in healthcare, nursing informatics, data analytics, predictive modeling, digital tools for rare disease research, and many others.
The book provides new healthcare insights from both science and practice, and will be of interest to all those working in healthcare.
Ebook: Navigating Healthcare Through Challenging Times
Research Unit AAL's contribution
The Research Unit AAL was actively involved with a poster presentation on the SENSHOME project:
A Customized Smart Home and Interior Design Concept Co-Designed with and for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Abstract: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnoses increased over the last decades, as reviews show comparing prevalence rates reported from different studies. Due to different effects of the disorder, personal support is required and provided by formal and/or informal caregivers in various activities of daily living. With the help of a customized smart home and interior design concept the aim is to enable people with ASD to live a more independent and self-reliant life. Following a participatory research approach, the end users are involved in the context of use and requirements definition, concept development, and later also in the implementation, and evaluation process. The solution shall assist end users in performing activities of daily living. The outcome of the work at hand is a set of modular functionalities (sensors, actuators, interior design solutions) to be integrated in a living environment specifically designed for people with ASD.
With this submission we received the „BEST POSTER AWARD“ in the dHealth 2021.

The pre-recorded poster presentation is available via our official Youtube Channel:
Information about dHealth via